May 21, 2017
As part of our continuing trawl through The Joint audio vaults for previously unpodcasted shows, we present the first and final hour of a three hour programme that went to air on the 26th May 2007.
For the youngsters listening, an 80Gb iPod (mentioned at the 58:25 point) was an early 21st century music player...
May 19, 2017
For the first hour of today's show we're reheating the leftovers from last week's francophile Sunday Roast mix, courtesy of Paul Duncan.
For the final hour The Herb Whisperer fills in to show a previously undisclosed fondness for Yorkshire Chansonniers (and 70's Polish pop).
And here's the playlist in full...
May 13, 2017
Paul Duncan presents Le Rôti du Dimanche.
The last we heard from Paul Duncan was his final Sunday Roast show way back in March 2016, just before he disappeared into the French hinterland.
After a turbulent 18 months navigating the fall out of Brexit and the near miss of a Marine Le Pen Presidency, he's emerged unbowed...
May 6, 2017
Where something delicious is always cooking.
And here's the playlist in full...
[a word from our...