Jan 23, 2021
Notebooks out completists, here's the playlist in full...
Jan 20, 2021
"1971 was a good year..." On the show today: The Arsenal 1971 First Team Squad, Olsvangèr, Professor Johan Bring, Keanu Raves & Harvo, KARLITA, Ashyl, Bruno Willmott-Dalton, Sabine Wojnar, Mogwai, Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou, R. Missing, Waterfalls, Juno Is, Internazionale, Richard Norris, Andy Bell, Jupiter Jax,...
Jan 11, 2021
Any spare time we had over the Christmas and New year period was spent listening and re-listening to Kim Noble's "Futile Attempts (at Surviving Tomorrow)" podcast - and we're still only up to episode 6/10.
If you want a lazy half-arsed comparison think Blue Jam but, arguably, less surreal and, possibly, more mundane...
Jan 5, 2021
"Doomsday..." On the show today: RIP MF DOOM, Viktor Vaughn, King Geedorah, Madvillain, BADBADNOTGOOD, Bentley, Harry Nilsson, Jean Penne, KARLITA, Pink Siifu & Fly Anakin, Mono/Poly, Azure, 2XM, Instant Fantasy, Sheet Sweater, Violet French, Mica Levi, Steve Reich with Pat Metheny, Com Truise, NNHMN, null_user,...